Replacing Your Turf Field

5 Care Tips To Extend the Life Of Your Artificial Turf

May 21st, 2021

After making the smart decision to upgrade your natural grass to a turf field, you might be wondering how to extend the life of your versatile new field. Fortunately, turf is one of the easiest materials to care for. With these simple tips to extend the life of your artificial turf, your athletes can enjoy […]

Five Signs That You Need Professional Turf Repairs

December 18th, 2020

Keep Your Turf Healthy and Appealing While artificial turf requires far less maintenance than natural grass, it does need maintenance now and then. To ensure you have the appropriate budget set aside for your turf maintenance needs, here are five signs that it’s time to hire a professional to repair your turf. 1. Discolored Spots […]

Are You Experiencing Problems With Your Synthetic Turf Field?

May 8th, 2020

In the course of servicing hundreds of clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, here are the most common turf field issues our in-house team of turf repair/installation experts have been called on to fix: Perimeter Edge Failure (Before and After) Replace Batter’s Box / High Traffic Field Areas  Sports Lines Detaching from Base  Sports Line […]

How Long does Synthetic Turf Stay in Pristine Condition

May 1st, 2020

Keeping Synthetic Turf in Pristine Condition If you’re thinking about using synthetic turf in your next sports arena or stadium, then you may wonder how long it will last. Is it cheaper than using traditional grass? While synthetic turf fields may be more expensive to install, it will ultimately be cheaper than traditional grass fields. […]

How Do I Know When Synthetic Turf Needs To Be Replaced?

April 24th, 2020

When you work with our sports construction company, you might think about replacing your synthetic turf. We offer several turf options that will make your field look amazing, and we can help you care for that turf at the same time. Plus, we will give you an estimate when you think it is time to […]

How Does Turf Breakdown And Damage Occur?

March 26th, 2020

Turf is used on many athletic fields and is revered for its strength and durability. However, over time, even turf can become damaged. Here are a few of the materials that can break down your turf field over time. Paint Turf may be durable. However, repeated certain liquids can quickly diminish its quality. Arguably, the […]

When To Tell Your Sports Turf Needs To Be Repaired vs Replaced?

December 18th, 2019

Keeping your turf healthy and well-maintained is extremely important. A low-quality sports turf can increase the risk of athletes losing their footing and potentially sustaining an injury. However, many people often neglect to repair or replace their turf, leading to further damage. There are some key differences that can determine whether your sports turf needs […]