How Do I Know When Synthetic Turf Needs To Be Replaced?

When you work with our sports construction company, you might think about replacing your synthetic turf. We offer several turf options that will make your field look amazing, and we can help you care for that turf at the same time. Plus, we will give you an estimate when you think it is time to replace your turf. Use these tips to learn when you should replace your turf. Once you have noticed a problem, you can call us in for help.

The Field Looks Worn

When you look at your synthetic turf field, it should look fresh and green. If the field looks worn at all, you should think about replacing it. You cannot replant a synthetic turf field, and there is no guarantee from manufacturers that it will last more than a decade. We will give you an estimate for the replacement, and we can show you several synthetic turf products you might like.

You Had To Use Infill Along The Edges Of The Field

If you have added infill along the edges of the field for a few years, you will have more filler than turf. Certain parts of the field could be torn up because you are using the field so much, and you should replace the turf before the infill becomes a hazard.

The Turf Fibers Are Split

You can see the turf fibers clearly when you walk across the field. If the turf fibers are splitting, they will not look as green as they should. Light will reflect strangely off these fibers, and the turf will not look even. You do not want to give the impression that you do not take care of the field, and you cannot replace individual fibers. We can help you determine the price for a new field, and we will show you our most durable synthetic turf products.

You Have Loose Panels That Could Be A Tripping Hazard

When you trip over panels on the field, the players are on the field are at an even greater risk for injury. Most games played on your field have an injury risk already, and you do not want the players to play on an unsafe field. You cannot replace just one panel, and you should call us for an estimate. We will help you choose a durable synthetic turf product, and we can install the field quickly.

We are here to help you care for your current synthetic field, but you should replace the field when it is worn down. We will help you choose a replacement field that is safe, green, and looks impressive.