With a diverse range of gym rubber, artificial turf, hardwood flooring, and customizable flooring solutions to choose from, selecting the ideal surface for your facility can be a complicated first step. With so many variable surfaces to compare, how do you determine which is the most viable option for your facility? 

Fortunately, determining the most suitable flooring options for your facility’s athletic and training needs is a relatively straightforward process. Each surface type offers its own set of advantages, disadvantages, and unique considerations; to simplify the comparison process, our flooring specialists at Keystone Sports Construction will gladly help you evaluate the material stats with side-by-side comparisons for flooring transparency and complete confidence in your update.

By evaluating crucial factors such as durability, impact-resistance, traction performance, and ease of maintenance, our experts at Keystone Sports Construction can help you make an informed decision that respects your budget, optimizes athletic performance, and enhances every square foot of your facility.

Artificial Turf is a Versatile Option for Multi-Use Athletics & Exercise Programs

Any sports or training program that can benefit from a balance of excellent surface traction, aesthetic style, and all-around player safety is well suited with a modern artificial turf. Our state-of-the-art gym turf varieties boast optimal performance characteristics like: 

  • Joint-Safe Infill and Cushioning Layers: Choose from trim and responsive turf styles, or upgrade the safety rating of your gym facility with an ultra-soft and forgiving turf that is great for high-impact exercises and athletic drills.
  • Customizable Grass Style and Length: Brighten your facility’s interior with an eye-catching turf blend that replicates the look and feel of natural grass. If you prefer sleek and modern, you can also choose a trimmer grass style that promotes steady foot traction and a minimalist aesthetic that is both beautiful and useful. Complete your interior theme by customizing the color, adding line striping, or incorporate your company logo for a turf aesthetic that is fine-tuned to your brand. 
  • Ease of Upkeep: The newest turf systems require minimal upkeep for labor and time savings for years to come. Simply brush, clean up trash/debris, and invest in intermittent artificial turf maintenance like infill decompaction services to keep your modern turf in top condition with minimal effort on your end. 

Hardwood Courts Blend Steadfast Performance With Beauty & Utility

For competitive athletics and recreational enjoyment, our hardwood flooring solutions are another highly-popular choice for multi-use applications. Great for indoor sports ranging from basketball and gymnastics to volleyball and dodgeball, hardwood floors are a wonderful option for: 

  • A professional athletic surface that is joint-friendly, durable, and offers great traction performance
  • Long-term value; hardwood is naturally resilient and can be resurfaced many times 
  • Unparalleled facility aesthetics with numerous wood types and customization options available

This is only a glimpse of the versatile advantages that come with our hardwood and turf installation in NJ. Whether you have ambitious plans for an indoor field or you want to enhance your facility with multiple flooring styles, contact our flooring experts and find the perfect balance of value, style, and performance today.