Is Your Turf Field Ready for Spring Sports?
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The gym floor is the foundation of your gym. Frankly, it’s one of the most important parts of putting your gym together. The type of flooring that you choose will ultimately determine the type of workout that your patrons will be having. From residential flooring to carpet tiles, there are several options to decide on, and all provide different benefits.
With that being said, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the floor that is right for your gym. First, all gym flooring should be strong and durable. Just think about the different exercises that it will be enduring — everything from squats to push up and everything in between. Not to mention, the gym floor is going to have to support the heavy equipment and machinery that you bring in.
Next, you will want to take into consideration the grip of the floor. Having a poor grip might increase the chance of a patron getting injured. Neither you nor the patron want that. Having a good grip on the floor can prevent unnecessary injury since the machinery will be less likely to experience unwanted movement.
Lastly, gyms can get very dirty. Everybody that goes there is working up a sweat and dripping all over the machines and floors. While most gyms provide a cleaning solution for patrons to use once they finish using a machine, there is no cleaning solution for the floor being used at several points during the day. Having a surface that is easy to clean will ultimately cause your gym to have better hygiene.
There is not one type of flooring that works best for every gym. Some gyms perform better with wood flooring while others perform better with matting or turf. In fact, you don’t have to always choose just one type of flooring. You can either have one type of flooring throughout the entire gym, or you can mix it up with different flooring in different sections. At the end of the day, it is whatever you think will work best for your gym. However, the main factors that you should take into consideration when choosing your flooring are as follows:
-It needs to be able to support heavy equipment.
-It should be able to sustain intensive use.
-It should be easy to clean up.
-It should be able to handle temperature and humidity fluctuations with the different seasons.
-It should be able to handle vibrations and noise caused by patrons’ exercises.
If you are having trouble figuring out which type of flooring is best for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. Contact Keystone Sports Construction if you are in need of artificial turf repair or maintenance.