How To Keep Football Games Safe On & Off The Field

Despite being one of the toughest sports in the world of athletics, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce player injury and promote a more enjoyable facility atmosphere. Starting with field care, take a look at these straightforward tips and become the top destination for local tournaments, practices, and revenue-generating field rentals. 

Maintaining a Safe Playing Surface is the Priority

The players are already dealing with hard hits. The last thing they should be dealing with is uneven terrain, unexpected debris, or dangerous sections of material that can snag cleats and twist ankles. 

Whether you operate a natural field or an easier-to-maintain artificial football turf field, both require routine vigilance. Before and after every game, walk the field and inspect all surface areas for unusual clumps, missing sections, or any other abnormalities that could cause a traction issue or tripping hazard. 

Other tips to keep your turf field in great shape: 

If your turf field needs the care of any kind, contact the pros at Keystone Sports Construction for comprehensive surface care. We offer responsive maintenance, repairs, and brand-new installations if your facility needs a resilient turf variety for improved aesthetic appeal and player safety. 

Protect Your Field With Easy-to-Follow Regulations

Along with worthwhile investments like installing a safety fence and strategic trash containers near the field, establishing and enforcing protective field regulations is always a smart move. Even without a full-time security team onsite, the majority of field users will respect the requests if your signage clearly indicates why it’s important to keep the field clean and damage-free. 

Try implementing common-sense rules and experience fewer field problems with minimal effort on your end. On your clearly visible signage or entryway rule board, you can post rules like: 

Consider Other Security Measures for Gametime

Providing your fans and athletes with professional security measures may be necessary, especially if your field attracts large crowds or hosts events with young students. A few rowdy or rude guests can disrupt the fun of the game, and as a facility operator, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your guests. Consider hiring a few private security officers for the big games, installing a few safety cameras, and standing out as a facility that cares about its athletes and guests.