Caesar Rodney Fifer Middle School

Caesar Rodney Fifer Middle School

Keystone Sports Construction recently completed renovations to the gym at Caeser Rodney Fifer Middle School for the Caesar Rodney School District in Camden, Delaware. The district is named after Caesar Rodney, who rode 80 miles on horseback in less than 24 hours to help in the revolution for the voting of Delaware’s independence. The scope of work for this project included sanding down the existing gym floors to remove the old finish and surface imperfections. Next, the floor was refinished with updated logos, a sealer, and a finish system. Design elements from the project include a custom mid-court logo, two custom side-court logos, a color border around the court with “CEASER RODNEY” spelled out behind both basketball hoops and “RIDERS” on the sidelines, courtside custom mascot logos, and sports lines for basketball and volleyball.