From dirt and cinder tracks of the past to the modern synthetic systems of today, running track surfaces and their impact on player performance have come a long way. When evaluating how track surfaces affect running times, comparing key factors such as material properties, traction performance, and surface consistency will help you narrow down the […]
Design Considerations for Artificial Turf Football Fields
On the road to superior surface performance and player safety, there are a myriad of important design and build decisions to consider. In this overview, we explore popular design choices and a range of variables that contribute to guest enjoyment, playability, and the aesthetic appeal of modern turf football fields. Identify Your Athletic Needs An […]
The Environmental Impact of Artificial Turf in Sports: Sustainability vs. Performance
Striking a balance between sustainability and performance is a growing consideration for sports field manufacturers and facility owners alike. Artificial turf is durable, requires low maintenance, and directly benefits player safety and performance. But are these significant performance advantages a risk to environmental sustainability? Despite the misconception that artificial turf is pure performance without consideration […]
Tips For Caring For Your Sports Turf Fields During the Hot Summer Months
Extreme temperatures, UV radiation, and heavy use can all contribute to accelerated material breakdown and dangerously hot surface conditions. Despite these intense summer variables, the resilience of high-quality artificial turf in combination with proactive maintenance and cooling strategies make it possible to enjoy your field all year long. So, what can you do to keep […]
Navigating The Construction Process Of Your Sports Complex
From the planning stages to the finishing touches, a well-designed construction process lays the framework for long-term facility success. In this helpful overview, we explore key factors such as contractor sourcing, cost-saving considerations, construction details, and other relevant criteria to guide your facility construction project in the right direction. Avoid Project Mistakes By Choosing a […]
Baseball Field Maintenance: Best Practices for Keeping Turf Fields in Top Shape
Are you looking for the best ways to preserve the performance and style of your baseball field? Fortunately, if you own or operate an artificial turf field, you can look forward to far fewer maintenance concerns, and when maintenance or repair needs do arise, upkeep is simple to do. In this helpful post, we cover […]