Keeping your turf healthy and well-maintained is extremely important. A low-quality sports turf can increase the risk of athletes losing their footing and potentially sustaining an injury. However, many people often neglect to repair or replace their turf, leading to further damage. There are some key differences that can determine whether your sports turf needs to be repaired or replaced.

When Should I Repair My Sports Turf?

Sports turf repairs can range from minor fixes to huge makeovers. Here are three common instances where you should look into repairing your sports turf.

If your sports turf is perpetually thin and wispy, you should look into repairing the turf. If your turf is particularly thin, have a professional conduct a soil test. This test will reveal any potential problems that may be causing your grass to wither.

If your field has been invaded by weeds, that is another situation where it would be wise to repair your sports turf. Weeds can completely take over your field, causing untamed growth. We recommend investing in a safe, effective chemical to remove the weeds.

Another frequent problem that signals that you should repair your sports turf is if pests have taken over. Pests such as grub larvae and spiders love resting in large fields. However, they can pose a safety threat, meaning you should get rid of them using a safe, federally approved pesticide.

When Should I Replace My Sports Turf

Replacing your sports turf is a more expensive decision. However, it is often necessary. Here are three situations where it would be wise to replace your sports turf.

If your sports turf does not receive proper sunlight, you should look into repairing it. Although some types of grass can thrive with little to no sunlight, others must have between six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. if your current grass is not getting enough sunlight, we recommend replacing it with a turf that doesn’t require much sun.

If your field is falling out in chunks or is extremely loose, that is a sure sign that your sports turf needs to be replaced. Loose fields can be a major safety hazard, as they increase the likelihood of players slipping and injuring themselves.

Finally, you should invest in a new sports turf if your current turf has a dull, grayish look. Most sports fields will last between ten to twenty years before they need to be replaced. If your lawn is older, consider having it replaced.

If your sports turf has sustained any damage or needs to be repaired, don’t be hesitant to reach out to us at Keystone Sports Construction.